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Truth for the end-times

Growing Truth radio broadcasts eternal truths in fulfillment of Jesus’ prediction that the gospel would go to all the world before the end of time (Matthew 24:14). Like the ancient redwoods, God’s truth has endured storms of change, fires of persecution, and attempts to exploit and destroy it. Yet, it lives on, planting itself in the hearts of those longing for truth.


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Listener-supported and commercial-free, Growing Truth radio stays on air because of faithful supporters. Would you like to partner with us to continue broadcasting God’s enduring truth in the Redwood Empire?


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If you find yourself away from your radio, you can still listen online! Click the button below to listen live.

Car radio

Looking for a program name?

Are you trying to find the name of a presentation that you heard on the radio? Perhaps it was a musical artist or a particular program. Find out how to get that information!

Image by Aaron Burden

Bible Study Resources!

Want to know more about what you’re hearing on the radio? Here are some incredible resources on prophecy, health, family, and more!

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